"I confess that I knew nothing of these before marrying a philosopher. Now, I see them frequently in my own thinking (all though less and less thanks to self-awareness), thinking I hear from others, blog posts, (poor) journalism and more.
I encourage you to take some time and consider what traps you may be falling into. You may also find that you are inadvertently encouraging these biases (and subsequent poor decision-making) in people around you through questions you are (or are not) asking, and the way you're approaching meetings. You may also want to print these and post them in your work space as a reminder. And perhaps have a discussion with your fellow leaders about these. If you want to learn more, check out Daniel Kahneman's book "Thinking Fast, and Slow," or this summary video of the book. I'd love to hear what realizations you come to from this! Is the image too blurry to read? Here is the file, which enlarges and prints.
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January 2017
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